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Introduction to Quantum Human Design
Introduction to Quantum Human Design™
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Quantum Human Design™ Basics
Lesson 1 - Quantum Creativity & Introduction to QHD (26:32)
Lesson 2 - Quantum Human Design Types (38:40)
Lesson 3 - Quantum Lines / Profiles (31:06)
Lesson 4 - How Emotional Themes Impact Communication (28:52)
Aura by Quantum Human Design Type
Lesson 1 - Learning the Quantum Types (22:07)
Lesson 2 - Your Aura (6:23)
Lesson 3 - The Initiator (Manifestor) Aura (11:05)
Lesson 4 - The Alchemist (Generator) Aura (7:05)
Lesson 5 - The Time Bender (Manifesting Generator) Aura (7:02)
Lesson 6 - Alchemists & Time Benders - Follow-up on Frustration (6:59)
Lesson 7 - The Orchestrator (Projector) Aura (8:13)
Lesson 8 - The Calibrator (Reflector) Aura (6:56)
Quantum Human Design Workbook Lessons
Lesson 1 - Introduction
Lesson 2 - Quantum Life Purpose Statements
Lesson 3 - Types, Strategies & Authorities
Lesson 4 - The Lines & Profiles
Lesson 5 - The Centers - Part 1
Lesson 6 - The Centers - Part 2
Lesson 7 - The Planets
Lesson 8 - The Gates
Lesson 9 - Gates 1-8
Lesson 10 - Gates 9-16
Lesson 11 - Gates 17-24
Lesson 12 - Gates 25-32
Lesson 13 - Gates 33-40
Lesson 14 - Gates 41-48
Lesson 15 - Gates 49-56
Lesson 16 - Gates 57-64
Lesson 17 - Putting it All Together
BONUS - The Mechanics of Creating
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Lesson 4 - The Alchemist (Generator) Aura
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